学费 at Eastern Christian School 

You want the best education possible for your child, but you also want the curriculum, 文化, tuition to be a good fit for your family. 你明白私立基督教学校不仅可以为你的孩子准备大学和职业生涯,还可以为他们的生活挑战和庆祝活动做好准备.

Affording a private education can be intimidating, but not impossible. At Eastern Christian School, we make every effort to increase accessibility 通过 变量的学费, which is made possible thanks to generous donors, 筹款, 和奖学金. 

自1892年成立以来,我们一直在培养自信的学生,为基督徒门徒和服务的生活做好准备. Eastern Christian School students are known, 有价值的, celebrated as they pursue excellence in everything they do, including after graduation. 我们该怎么做呢?

  • 我们的基督为中心的课程不断建立在它的基础和基本原则,学生从移动 学前教育 通过 幼儿园, 小学, 中间, 高中.
  • 欧共体高中的学生受益于严格的学术课程,包括40多个高级和双招生课程, personalized college and career counseling. 
  • 课堂内外的丰富机会让学生探索兴趣所在 visual arts, music, theater等等. 
  • 有竞争力的 体育运动 在30多个运动队鼓励学生练习体育精神,团队合作和自律.
  • With counselors on 工作人员 and a low student-to-teacher ratio, 我们有意去了解我们的学生,以及如何最好地满足他们的需求. 
  • We emphasize community here by building relationships 通过 service work, 实地考察旅行, 团队运动, 以及年度活动, such as Homecoming and Winter Carnival.

To learn more about our programs and how your child can flourish here, download our free Parent Information Packet.

Affording an Eastern Christian Education 

可变学费是帮助尽可能多的新泽西州北部和周边地区的家庭负担得起东部基督教学校教育的一种手段. 我们知道,您的首要任务之一是尽可能给您的孩子最好的教育, the 变量的学费 system we use provides a clear, 公正的, 确定家庭经济援助资格的透明程序.

After completing the 变量的学费 application process, we’ll be able to determine your family’s actual tuition costs. Many families are (pleasantly!他们惊讶地发现新葡京app的教育真的负担得起, 毕竟. (家庭必须 submit an application for enrollment before applying for 变量的学费.)

$2 million awarded annually to 40% of Eastern Christian families

“We feel so blessed to be part of a Christ-centered learning community. 我们数不清有多少次在思考EC是如何为我们的女儿强化正面价值观的. We truly feel the home, church and school are connected. 她每天回家,与我们和她的弟弟分享她的“EC冒险”. He’s so excited to start this year. At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with teachers, 工作人员, volunteers who care about all aspects of their development. 



How much does Eastern Christian cost?

As you consider Eastern Christian School, we welcome your questions about 变量的学费, 奖学金, 付款计划, or whatever else comes to mind. 我们的招生团队 在这里帮助指导您完成这个过程,以便您可以确定哪种学习环境最适合您的孩子。.

学费2024 - 2025

(PK3 PK4)
(pk3, pk4, tk)

K3 3岁班| PK4 4岁班| TK Transitional 幼儿园

For information about Eastern Christian’s 学前教育 program, please visit our 学前教育 page

幼儿园 – 12th Grade
(3全日+ 2半天)
$5,740 – $10,440
(4 一整天s + 1 半天)
$6,460 – $11,745
$7,180 – $13,050
等级4 - 8$8,090 – $14,700
9 - 12年级$10,010 – $18,200


  • Textbooks and instructional materials*
  • 实地考察*
  • Mental health resources and support
  • 类费用*
  • 所有校内音乐会和大部分常规赛体育赛事的入场券*
  • Maker Space and media center access 
  • 1:1 device (starting in 2nd grade)*
  • Class activity (example: social events and local service opportunities)
  • 学术 advising and college counseling 
  • College application assistance

*Minimal exclusions apply


  • Capital Improvement Fee Eastern Christian School assesses a $1,6至12年级学生的新家庭可获发5万元基建改善费.
  • 停车费 Eastern Christian 高中 student drivers pay $50 per car.
  • 活动费用 6-12年级每项运动支付300美元,9-12年级每个戏剧季和机器人俱乐部支付300美元. The maximum family charge is $1,000.
  • 技术的费用 Grades K-12 pay a technology fee of $200 per year.

Frequently Asked Questions


幼儿园到12年级学生的任何家庭(现有的或新的)都可以申请可变学费. 在确定一个家庭能够支付的学费数额时,会考虑许多因素, 包括收入, 资产, 不同寻常的费用, 家庭规模. 在给定的一年里,家庭可用的资源也必须考虑到新葡京app提供的可变学费奖励.

一个家庭或学校不可能估计一个家庭在没有完成学业的情况下有资格获得的学费水平 变量的学费 application. 申请直接提交给第三方机构Blackbaud Financial Aid Management. Blackbaud根据学校设定的标准对申请进行评估,然后向学校的可变学费团队提出建议. 学校的财务办公室会通知家庭他们符合的学费水平.

Is there a cap on available funds?

新葡京app在可变学费基金中有大约200万美元的慷慨预算,并努力帮助尽可能多的家庭使用这些资源. 需要帮助支付新葡京app学费的家庭应尽快申请可变学费.

Is 变量的学费 available for students in all grades?

可变学费适用于有幼儿园到12年级学生的家庭. The availability of assistance varies based on the entering grade level, 等距, 申请人数, 预算资金.


不,申请可变学费不影响录取过程. 无论经济需要如何,家长都应该尽早启动录取程序.


是的. 新家庭只有在申请入学后才能申请可变学费. Eastern Christian School is a continuous enrollment school; current families must submit a 变量的学费 application each year if they would like to be considered for a financial award that year.



What is the cost to apply for 变量的学费?

The cost for most families is $45.

Do I need to apply for 变量的学费 every year?

是的. A new application must be submitted every year.

If I do not qualify for the program this year, can I apply again next year?

是的. A family that does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year.

Does Eastern Christian School offer any other forms of tuition assistance?

Other forms of accepted tuition assistance include TRIP: 学费 Reduction Incentive Program, 你的学费解决方案 (financing option), the 三县奖学金. If you are a current recipient of a Tri-County scholarship, 请注意,您必须每年重新申请才能被考虑续约. These applications are also due by the first week in February.

我们许多家庭来自直接支持新葡京app的教会, both with their prayers and their financial support. If you need additional assistance in affording your tuition investment, 请与你的教会联系,询问他们是否可以帮助你.


If you’re looking for a private PK-12 school in Bergen or Passaic Counties, 我们希望您能来参观新葡京app,亲身体验我们的基督教教育模式如何造福您的孩子和家庭.